Our Curriculum

Truth, Beauty, Goodness:
a Firm Foundation
Our TBG Curriculum Framework is an alternative to the traditional, meritocratic education goals – it focuses on developing a child’s diverse competencies rather than just the academic.
We want our children to see, understand and act based on biblical principles, values and perspectives in a world where truth is often distorted, beauty corrupted and goodness disregarded.
Our 5 Areas of Learning, 5 Education Models and 5 Learning Dispositions all work together to ensure that our children are cognitively challenged and become independent learners, all while growing in character.

Our Areas of Learning
Cognitive Development
Character Education
Chinese Language
Community Projects
Our Educational Models
Universal Design For Learning
Making Thinking Visible
Making Environment Inspiring
Bible as a Teaching Tool
Families as Partners
Learning Dispositions - Our 5Gs
Grace 恩慈
Recognising that all of life is a good gift and that we are all recipients of grace from others, learning to extend this same grace to others which includes having the ability to forgive
Grease 勤勉
Being engaged and assiduous doers who are willing to get their hands dirty, demonstrating great willingness to try, explore and experiment
Gratitude 感激
Always being in a state of contentment and thankfulness, and ever-ready to show appreciation to others and reciprocate kindness
Growth 成长
Having a deep desire to learn and progress in the small and big things; always seeking to build each other up in love