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Amanda’s Story: Helping a Child Find Her Voice

Pseudonym of Child: Amanda 

Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder

When Amanda first joined us, she struggled to express herself. Non-verbal and often frustrated, she would resort to tantrums when she could not communicate her needs and wants to others. She often played alone, was fixated on specific toys or materials, and had difficulty following class routines and engaging with her peers. Her frustration stemmed from her inability to communicate effectively and connect with others. She preferred to play independently and had a strong attachment to purple-colored toys and materials.

Her challenges might seem like she would not be a good fit for any preschool. However, with Educational Support, we were able to provide consistent personalised support and strategies for her. She has since made remarkable improvements that allowed her to learn and play alongside her peers. 

The Power of Patience and Strategy

We began with gradual exposure to new colors and materials, using a visual schedule and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) to help her understand daily routines and express herself. Teachers used close-ended questions at first, gradually moving to open-ended questions, which encouraged her to start verbalizing her needs. By prompting her to initiate play with her peers, we helped her begin to engage socially.

Remarkable Progress

Today, she is no longer isolated in her own world. She is able to communicate her needs effectively, using words to express what she wants or needs. She can now keep up with the curriculum taught and engage in classroom activities alongside her peers. She also has also grown in her ability to follow classroom rules, socializing well with her classmates, playing cooperatively and interacting in a positive way. Her social skills have flourished—she initiates play and can even leave her peers to continue playing independently.

Even though she occasionally needs a head start with new routines, such as a visual schedule, she is quick to adapt, and with consistent practice, she is able to complete tasks independently.

Amanda’s progress has been possible because of early intervention, personalized support, and the dedication of our teaching team. But we can’t do it without you.

Donate to “A Christmas Story”, you will help continue providing personalized education support for children like her —children who are learning, growing, and succeeding with the right tools and guidance. Your contribution will ensure that children facing communication and socialization challenges receive the resources they need to have a chance to thrive academically and socially in a mainstream classroom.

Special Gift for Donors: Donate $250 or more, and you’ll receive a customisable Little Olive Tree LEGO character—a special way to show your support for the children whose lives you’re helping change.


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(by Presbyterian Preschool Services)

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