Photo Credit: The Straits Times
How has your Easter weekend been? For one particular family, this year's Easter is one of special significance. Jacqueline and Wei Ming are parents of Zhongkai, who attends our PCS Holland Village Centre. Their second son, Yikai, was born last October with a heart defect.
This is the first Easter that the family are spending at home with Yikai, who has pulled through major surgeries and multiple hospitalisations since his birth. The family is thankful for the love, support and prayers provided by those around them during these challenging times, including the staff and parents from our Holland V Centre.
May we continue to hold Yikai in prayers for his full recovery.
Their story was featured on the Straits Times, read more here: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/family-offers-thanks-and-prayers-for-babys-smooth-recovery-this-easter