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Integrity Time

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

Latest update: We have grown! 

As part of our efforts to improve and expand our curriculum and what it offers our children, Presbyterian Preschool Services has retired the Integrity Time programme since end-2021. In its place, we have introduced the Truth, Beauty and Goodness educational mission which seeks to be expressed in 5 learning dispositions in our children. You may read more about them here: 

Behind our Education Mission - Truth, Beauty Goodness:

Having Integrity means having “wholeness” of character. Our Integrity Time curriculum consists of 3 main segments: Character Focus, Stories of the Bible, and Discovery of the World.

At our preschools, we recognise the paramount importance of nurturing Integrity in our children from a very young age so as to build a strong foundation that will anchor them in this VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world.


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