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Little Olive Tree's Educational Support Programme

Updated: Apr 2, 2024

We are currently seeking funding support for our Educational Support Programme. Click the button below.

What is the Educational Support Programme in Little Olive Tree by Presbyterian Preschool Services about?

Here are some commonly asked questions that will help you understand our work better:


A. About the Educational Support Programme

ONE: What is the Educational Support Programme?

It is a high quality educational program designed for children with special educational needs ranging from 18 months to 6 years old. It is intended to prepare children with additional needs for mainstream education as far as possible.

TWO: How has ESP been designed to support children with additional needs?

THREE: What is the profile of children who are enrolled in the ESP?

FOUR: What can children enrolled in ESP expect?

FIVE: Will children enrolled in ESP be in class with their similarly-aged children?

B. About our Educational Support Teachers (ESTs)

SIX: What is the profile of the Educational Support Teachers in Little Olive Tree by Presbyterian Preschool Services?

Educational Support Teachers (ESTs) possess either a Diploma or a Degree in special education and related fields such as Early Childhood Education, Psychology, Allied Health, or Social Work. They also have received specialised training in working with persons with special needs and have prior experience in Early Intervention/Early Childhood settings.

ESTs in Little Olive Tree by PPS are also supported by a team of experienced specialists in the Headquarters. Regular training for ESTs, Early Childhood Educators and Principals is also provided to foster inclusive classroom practices.

SEVEN: What is the ratio of ESTs to children with additional needs?

C. Being Enrolled in the Educational Support Programme (ESP)

EIGHT: What is the enrolment criteria for ESP?

Children who would like to seek enrolment in ESP has to meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Singaporean Citizen, Permanent Resident or Dependant Pass Holder

  2. 18 months to 6 years old

  3. Assessment with developmental needs that requires low to medium Early Intervention Support by a paediatrician

  4. Medical assessment report from the hospital or private doctor

The ESP is not suitable for children requiring high support needs.

NINE: Is there a trial period?

TEN: Can children enrolled in ESP attend full-day childcare?

ELEVEN: Is it feasible for my child to be enrolled in both EIPIC (Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children) and ESP simultaneously?

TWELVE: Is it possible for my child to discontinue EIPIC attendance while enrolled in ESP?

D. ESP Fee Matters

THIRTEEN: How much is the fee for the Educationa Support Programme?

The cost running ESP per child is about $1800. However, we are cognisant that costs add up more significantly for parents caring for children with additional needs.


Hence, the cost of ESP enrolment (on top of the childcare fees) is only $300 (before GST).

Little Olive Tree by Presbyterian Preschool Services is committed to look for additional funding and donations to cover the true cost of ESP in order to share the load of caring for children with additional needs with the families.

FOURTEEN: I have difficulty covering the $300 ESP fees. Is there any form of financial aid or support available?

We are currently seeking funding support for our Educational Support Programme. Click the button below.


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