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Loving our migrant workers this National Day!

Updated: Apr 25

National Day is around the corner and we had celebrated Singapore’s 57th birthday with our children! Our theme for the National Day activities this year is “Loving Our Country”.

Our children were reminded to thank God for the wonderful Singapore that he has placed us in. Other ways that we can love our country would be to do good and love our neighbours! Not just our next door neighbours, but anyone and everyone who is around us.

This year, we paid homage to the migrant workers in the construction industry who have left their homes to build our houses, offices, and places of worship. It is important for us to recognize their contributions to the building of our nation. By appreciating them, we are loving our country too.

God has also commanded us to love the foreigners amongst us:

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. “ Hebrews 13:2 (NIV)

The children used cardboard boxes to build miniature homes and buildings that reflect the Singapore that they love, and to show appreciation for what the migrant workers have done for Singapore. Children also interacted with migrant workers around the vicinity of their centres, saying thank you and giving them simple gifts like a card and drinks.

Both staff and children had also contributed their beautiful voices for the production of PPS’ own music video of ‘Stronger Together’, the theme song for NDP 2022. The highlights of our NDP celebrations are captured in the video - check it out below or on our Youtube channel:

Indeed, we are Stronger Together when we stand united in love.

Happy birthday Singapore and a blessed National Day to one and all!


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