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My Family Heirloom 2021

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Dear Parents / Guardians,

Chinese New Year is a time for families to be together. It is a good time to share family stories, traditions and practices.

In this festive season, we invite you to share with us about your “Family Heirloom”, something that has been passed down from your parents or grandparents. It can also be an item (e.g. photo, clock, painting) that is of special significance to your family.

Watch this video below to hear Ms Margie, Principal of Our Hougang Centre, share her story.

Can you tell us about your Family Heirloom?

“These are the rings that have been passed down from my late mom. She passed away 4 years ago.”

What do you remember most about your mom?

“My mom was a God-fearing woman and she loved God's Word. Day and night she would read God's Word. She would pray unceasingly for the children and for her grandchildren.”

What else do your mom passed down to you besides the Heirloom?

“For me, not only the heirloom that she passed down, she also passed down the legacy for us to follow, such as being compassionate, being kind to others, to love others unconditionally.

For my mom when she was in her sixties, she would drive people to church, drive people to cell meetings. She would go all out to help others.”

Now, it’s your turn to share, what’s your story?

Parents of our preschools can complete the given activity templates with your children and return to our centres to be put up for display and sharing on our social media accounts. You can also share on your social media and tag us @presbypreschoolsg with the hashtag #myfamilyheirloom2021.


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