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Project Good Sam x PCS Bukit Batok

Updated: Apr 25

As part of Start Small Dream Big, all our 11 centres are participating in Project Good Sam, a nationwide initiative, teaching preschool children how to love others, especially those in need. Most of our centres will be preparing and distributing gift packs to the elderly beneficiaries of our parent organisation, Presbyterian Community Services (PCS).

For the gift distribution held on 30 April 2021, it was a collaborative effort between PCS Bukit Batok Centre and the Volunteers of PCS Community Befriending Programme (CBP) - Bukit Timah to bless some of the clients of Dorcas Home Care’s Meals-On-Wheels service staying in one or two-room HDB rental flats.

Gift Packs With Love

Our preschool children from Batok Bukit Centre and their family poured out their love and effort into the preparation of the gift packs before the day of distribution. Hear what our children have to say about their project in this introduction video below!

We are very thankful for the generosity of parents who donated many items such as milo packets and biscuits to bless the elderly! See how our children helped to pack the items into individual bags.

One of the special items in the gift packs are these beautiful handmade bar soaps, which the children had made entirely from scratch!

Each of the gift packs also had a card that was specially designed and decorated by the children!

Distribution Day

On the morning of the distribution, the children helped to carry the gift packs and loaded them onto the cars of our PCS CBP Coordinators who helped to deliver the packs to the distribution locations.

This was not the end of the involvement of the children. As our CBP volunteer befrienders, among which we have one volunteer who is already her 70s yet still very active, helped to hand out the out the gift packs, we had the opportunity to do a video live streaming between the children back at Bukit Batok Centre and the elderly beneficiaries over Zoom! The children performed a few songs live and also interacted with the elderly clients. We could see the joy in the faces of the elderly as they interacted virtually with the young ones. The children were also able to see to whom their gift packs were going to and they showed so much enthusiasm asking the elderly various questions!

This was indeed a very meaningful and enriching project for our children. It is really heartwarming to see many different hands working together, from the young to the old, to make this whole project a success. What a reflection of the Kampung Spirit that we have in Singapore. Indeed loving the community is not just one person's single effort, but a community effort. For the young ones, we hope that this will be the start of many future opportunities to show God's love to those around them.

You can make a difference too through your donation to sponsor a new van for Dorcas Home Care!


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