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The Presbyterian Legacy: "Grow and Glow"

Updated: Apr 3, 2024

We are currently seeking funding support for our Educational Support Programme (ESP). Click the button below to support our endeavour.

The seed of Little Olive Tree by Presbyterian Preschool Services was planted some 40 years ago in the 1980s.

Long before the brand Little Olive Tree came about, long before we were known as Presbyterian Preschool Services or even Presbyterian Community Services, the Presbytery of Singapore had the desire to bridge the gaps that families and communities in Singapore faced. The work in the community by the Presbyterians started in 1974 with the establishment of the Heng Teck Centre, a preschool that offered play nursery and kindergarten classes. It was run by Presbyterian Welfare Services (the Presbyterian Community Services of today).

The Beginnings of the “ESP” in PPS was then the vision of the PCS board then to see how we can work to include these children with additional needs within the PCS Childcare Centres from the 1980s.

It was not a secret then, neither is it now, that education unlocks possibilities. Providing access to quality education is a key, if not the key, ingredient to transform a community effectively and to increase a child’s possibility to grow and develop into their fullest potential. Whatever transformation we seek to achieve must begin when the child is as young as possible, and still in school.

Soon after the establishment of the 1st preschool, we realised that there were not many opportunities for children with special needs to be integrated in the mainstream childcare setting. Inclusive preschools were unheard of. Opportunities were scarce. Hence, it was then the vision of the PCS board then to see how we can work to include these children with additional needs within the PCS Childcare Centres from the 1980s.

PCS/PPS is one of the pioneers in the early childhood sector when it comes to the provision of inclusive preschool environments in mainstream childcare centres. We hope to continue to be the leader in inclusive education, where people can learn from us and one day, we finally find that the whole early childhood sector is very much inclusive.

The Goal of ESP: to Grow and Glow

Basically, we want each child to have a sense of belonging, to build friendships and also have the avenue to build their social skills.

The goal of the special education team then was very simple: we want every child to have an opportunity to go through early childhood education. They also must be given the opportunity to participate in all the activities that are done in school. Basically, we want each child to have a sense of belonging, to build friendships and also have the avenue to build their social skills.

It was also soon after this that the tagline for the childcare centres, “Grow and Glow” was born. Mr Laurence Wee, the Executive Director of PCS then, came up with this phrase to represent his hopes for each child that comes to our childcare centres. He caught this vision one day as he considered the role of the Christian – to grow and then to glow. As cheesy as the phrase might sound today, we consider it prophetic that the it perfectly encapsulates our desire for every child.

Yes, we want to build a strong foundation in truth, beauty and goodness in every child who comes through our doors today.

Yes, we want the children to develop the 5 positive disposition of growth, grit, grease, grace and gratitude.

Yes, we want to sit in the mud with the children through the most unremarkable of days, we believe that each child is worth troubling for and we want to rally a village around each child.

But at the heart of it all, what we want is for the children to grow and glow in their own unique and able ways.  

Growing and Glowing with Little Olive Tree

“I am here, as an individual, you respect who I am, and provide me with that opportunities.”

Inclusion in education is a question of a sense of belonging.  It means each can express and feel that “I am here, as an individual, you respect who I am, and provide me with that opportunities.”

We hope to see the day when all the classrooms we walk into will be classrooms where the children with additional needs cannot be spotted.

Everybody is happy.

Everybody is participating.

Everybody is growing and glowing.

We are currently seeking funding support for our Educational Support Programme (ESP). Click the button below to support our endeavour.



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