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Zeke’s Story: From Struggles to Success with the Right Support

Pseudonym of Child: Zeke 

Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder

When Zeke first joined our school, he was full of energy but struggled with hyperactivity and difficulty sitting still. His mind and body constantly wanted to move—he couldn’t stay seated for more than a few seconds, often running around the classroom or walking away from the group during outdoor play. He also had trouble expressing his needs. Instead of expressing them through words, he would choose to pull adults he trusted towards what he wanted or where he wanted to go. Other times, he would stare in a direction until someone guessed what he wanted. Mealtimes were challenging, too—Zeke would squish his food with his hands, feeding himself with his fingers, instead of using a spoon.

However, with the right strategies and personalized support, Zeke has made incredible progress.

The Power of Early Intervention

We started by implementing a visual schedule and personalized PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) to help Zeke understand his daily routine and express his needs. Teachers also used repetition and verbal prompts to guide him through classroom activities, and with peer support, Zeke began to understand social cues and expectations.

Zeke’s Transformation

Today, Zeke can sit for longer periods. Even though it happens in 5 minute spurts when promoted, this is a remarkable improvement! He is now also more aware of his surroundings. He also joins his friends when playing outdoors, even seeking out a peer or adult’s hand to hold. At mealtimes, he now uses a spoon to eat and will even ask for more food by walking up to a teacher and articulating "more." He is becoming more independent and communicative and has started to say "help me”. He now also has the habit of greeting  familiar faces with a smile and "good morning" or "goodbye" without needing to be prompted.

Most importantly, Zeke is learning to regulate himself, showing increasing measure of self-control, and able to follow instructions more closely. He has made tremendous progress in becoming a more engaged, independent, and socially aware child.

Zeke’s early intervention journey started with us and it has been such a privilege to journey with him. Without Education Support, Zeke would not be able to join his similarly aged peers in the classroom, learning, playing, growing and glowing together.

Donate to “A Christmas Story” today to help us keep Education Support affordable for children like Zeke. Your contribution will ensure that children facing similar challenges receive the tools and strategies they need to grow, learn, and succeed in a mainstream preschool setting.

Special Gift for Donors: Donate $250 or more, and you’ll receive a customisable Little Olive Tree LEGO character—a special way to show your support for the children whose lives you’re helping change.


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(by Presbyterian Preschool Services)

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