这个由YMCA举办的全国性活动,不仅为学前儿童提供了一个展示华语能力的舞台,更是一次锻炼孩子们说华语的信心之旅。 每一年小小橄榄树都有幼儿参与此活动,2024年,我们荷兰村校区的姚加念小朋友从众多学校中脱颖而出,荣获了第三名。
今年,小小橄榄树不同校区有7名小朋友参与预赛。 这是一个共同参与的项目,有家长的鼎力支持,老师的悉心鼓励,孩子们认真的练习。幼儿要在一周多的时间里深入理解演讲内容,熟记每一句台词,力求以最佳状态呈现属于自己的故事。 对于参赛幼儿来说,这不仅仅是一次语言表达的锻炼,更是一场对自信心与沟通能力的挑战。
在准备过程中,孩子们不仅要学会清晰地表达观点,还演练了如何在镜头前自然展现情感、保持眼神交流以及运用适当的肢体语言。 无关结果,重在参与,我们深信每一位参赛幼儿都在这个过程中收获了宝贵的经验。他们不仅提升了自己的华语表达能力,还培养了耐心、毅力及合作精神,这些品质都将伴随他们未来的华语学习旅程。
The annual Mandarin Speech Competition is back!🎤✨
Organized by YMCA, this national event provides a platform for preschoolers to showcase their Mandarin-speaking skills while building confidence in using the language.
Every year, Little Olive Tree is proud to have our young learners participate in this meaningful competition. In 2024, our talented student Yao Jia Nian from the Holland Village campus stood out among many schools and clinched third place! This year, seven children from different Little Olive Tree campuses have stepped up to compete in the preliminary round.
This journey is a team effort—parents, teachers, and children all play an important role. With strong parental support, patient guidance from teachers, and the children's dedication, our young participants have been working hard to master their speeches in just over a week. They immerse themselves in understanding the content, memorizing every line, and refining their delivery to present their stories in the best way possible.
Beyond language skills, this competition is a test of confidence and communication. Throughout the preparation process, our young speakers learn to express their thoughts clearly, convey emotions naturally in front of the camera, maintain eye contact, and use appropriate gestures.
Regardless of the results, participation is what truly matters. We believe that every child gains valuable experience from this journey. Not only do they strengthen their Mandarin-speaking abilities, but they also develop patience, perseverance, and teamwork—qualities that will support their lifelong learning.
We are so proud of each and every one of our young participants. To us, you are all winners! 🌟👏